Fall 2019


Written for the bulletin at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish for September 23, 2019.

Parish family:

As summer transitions into fall, Peter and I arebeginning our new year at the college seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota.  For us, a big part of this is meeting all ofthe house’s “new men” –  our diocese hasfour freshmen who have started their first year of seminary this year, joininga class of 42 first-year guys total here at SJV.  Praise God! It is always so inspiring to me to hear how the Lord has worked in the lives of these guys: how He has drawn them to Himself, to be with Him here at the seminary.

Things are, largely, going well for Peter and me, aswell as the rest of the guys here.  Ithink it is safe to say that the current crisis of the Church weighs on usduring this time of formation, but it is two-fold:  on the one hand, it would be a lie to saythat we are not tired of reading headline after headline of scandal, abuse andcover-up (etc.)  On the other hand, asI’m sure all of us have experienced in our own way, Christ makes all things new– even evil.  With our early years of formation taking place in the midst of a Church who is searching once again to find her identity amidst purgation, we find ourselves privileged to see that taking place first-hand, “on the front lines”, so to speak.

This year, Peter is in his second/sophomore year; I amin my third/junior.  For Peter, thismeans a growing responsibility with regard to the care of the house, and adeeper dive into the spirituality of the Diocesan priesthood, most especiallyat the highly-anticipated spring retreat with Monsignor John Esseff, whom Iwrote about last winter, in South Dakota. For me, this year brings a special treat: the chance to spend a semesterabroad in Rome, studying at the Pontifical College Angelicum.  I will begin that in January with a classpilgrimage, led by our rector, to Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, withreturn scheduled for just before Dominic’s ordination to the priesthood inJune.  I am very, very much looking forward to continuing my studies for Christ’s priesthood in the city where His vicar lives.

Together with Peter, I want to extend our very profound gratitude for the generosity of the parish with regard to the Our Shepherds – Our Future campaign.  With everything going on in the holy Church, I know that such generosity is not in any way merited.  It was a humbling experience for both of us to hear how quickly our home parish met the diocesan goal.  Thank you.

Please be assured that we remain praying for both Fr. Troy and the whole parish – and please continue your prayers for us: we need it! 

           With sincere gratitude in Christ,



Spring 2020


"Nothing in this world lasts."